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Josh Shafley
Is Homemade Kombucha Safe?
Kombucha is a tasty and healthy drink that you can find at pretty much any grocery store. But some people worry about whether or not it's...

Josh Shafley
Kombucha Flavors You’ve Never Tried Before But Should - Store Bought and Home Brewed
Whether you buy your kombucha at the store or make it yourself at home, at some point your going to want to try out a new flavor. But...

Josh Shafley
Can You Brew Kombucha in Plastic?
When you first start brewing kombucha, it can feel like a complicated drink to make. There are so many rules about what to do and not to...

Josh Shafley
Why Your Kombucha is Taking a Long Time to Ferment (And How to Fix It!)
Kombucha is usually super fun and easy to make. However sometimes my home brewed booch takes a lot longer than normal to ferment. Leaving...

Josh Shafley
Does Kombucha Have Sugar in It?
Kombucha is a really unique drink, and because of that many people don’t understand exactly what’s in it. One common question I get when...

Josh Shafley
How to Make the Best Peach Kombucha In 5 Easy Steps
Experimenting with different flavors is for me, one of the most fun parts of home brewing kombucha. After creating and tasting dozens of...

Josh Shafley
How to Use Juice to Flavor Kombucha
There’s so many different ways to change the flavor of home brewed kombucha, but the easiest to get good carbonation and strong flavor in...

Josh Shafley
Is Kevita Kombucha Good For You? Health Risks and Benefits
Kevita is one of the most popular kombucha brands out there. But while it’s tasty, many people have concerns about whether or not kevita...

Josh Shafley
5 Reasons Why You Should Home Brew Kombucha
Before I got into home-brewing kombucha I drank bottles from the store all the time. It wasn’t until a friend told me about how much...

Josh Shafley
Is Kombucha a Probiotic?
I love kombucha, but when I first heard about the drink I had no idea it was a probiotic, or even what probiotics were. If you have...

Josh Shafley
Does Kombucha Make You Fat?
We all know that high calorie drinks like soda and beer can lead to weight gain, but what about “healthy” drinks like kombucha that are...

Josh Shafley
How to Make Kombucha Wine in 5 Easy Steps
As an avid kombucha home brewer and blogger, I've tried brewing kombucha in dozens of different ways. One popular and unique way of...

Josh Shafley
The 5 Ingredients You Need to Brew Kombucha
Although home brewing kombucha is a simple process, the first few times you do it can feel overwhelming and complicated. Especially when...

Josh Shafley
The Ultimate Guide To Kombucha Yeast
Kombucha is a unique drink made up of a lot of weird looking, yet at the same time healthy and tasty, ingredients that most people don’t...

Josh Shafley
What is Kombucha Beer and How to Make it at Home
It seems we’ve found a way to get alcohol into just about every type of drink possible these days, and kombucha is no exception. Recently...

Josh Shafley
Kombucha Vs. Apple Cider Vinegar - Which is Better for You?
Kombucha and apple cider vinegar are two unique health fads that many people, myself included, have some questions and reservations...

Josh Shafley
Does Kombucha have Caffeine in it?
Kombucha is a really unique drink that a lot of people don’t know much about. One of the most common questions that new kombucha drinkers...

Josh Shafley
Does Kombucha Have Alcohol in it?
Kombucha is a really unique drink that a lot of people don’t know much about. One of the most common questions that new kombucha drinkers...

Josh Shafley
How to Make and Use Kombucha Vinegar
Most kombucha home brewers are trying to keep at least a hint of sweetness in their bitter kombucha, but sometimes kombucha ferments too...

Josh Shafley
Does Kombucha Break a Fast? Intermittent Fasting & Kombucha Guide
Intermittent fasting is one of the most popular health and fitness trends right now. As someone who is really interested in the health...
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